Make 2016 safe for you and your colleagues
Are your employees already wearing RPE? If so do you know the protection level they offer? What the hazard is they are using them for? ...

Making sure your masks do what they are supposed to!
IESS are a family run business, based in Bolton, Greater Manchester, in the North west of England, offering a fully fit2fit accredited...

IESS - A guide to Face Fit Testing
We are now taking face fit testing bookings for 2016. Reserve your date today! Visit iess-ltd.co.uk for more details. A Guide to Face...

Face Fit Testing made easy
So you have been set the wonderful task of sorting out Face Fit Testing for your employees/colleagues/contractors etc Where do you start?...

The importance of proving competence
Are you sure that the RPE you provide to your employees fits them properly? Are you sure the face fit test was carried out competently?...

BSIF fit2fit Accredited Face Fit Testing
Where RPE is used, it must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. RPE can't protect the wearer if it leaks. A...

A full service, one price, fit2fit accredited
Face fit testing is essential for people wearing tight-fitting rpe, when a seal is required as protection. But what use is the mask and...

Your health DOES matter.....
.......and with that in mind, is it worth wearing ill-fitting face pieces designed to protect you? Currently, respirators are used to...

Does your mask protect you or your employees?
If you wear a mask to protect you against whatever it is you are working with, whether that is a disposable, half or full face or even...

Do you or your colleagues wear RPE?
Where RPE is used, it must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. RPE can't protect the wearer if it leaks. A...